Nokia Remote Camera PT 6 - Establish a Bluetooth connection

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Establish a Bluetooth connection

If your PC supports Bluetooth wireless technology, you can connect the
PC to the camera using Bluetooth. For information about starting
Bluetooth on your PC and the Bluetooth address of the PC, refer to the
user guide of your PC or the PC Bluetooth device.

1 Make sure that the Bluetooth radio in the PC is enabled, the PC is

within 10 metres of the camera, and there are no obstacles between
the camera and the PC.

2 Send the following text message to the camera:


Bluetooth address of the PC

The camera accepts this message from the master user only.

3 The camera connects to the PC. When the PC prompts for the

Bluetooth passcode, enter the current master user passcode.

If this does not work, do the following:

1 Send the following text message to make the Bluetooth radio of the

camera visible:



2 Open the Bluetooth device discovery application on your PC. The

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application displays the available Bluetooth devices.

3 Select the camera, and create a serial port connection to it. For more

information, refer to the user guide of your PC or the PC Bluetooth
device. When you start the PC Configurator software, select the
corresponding serial port from the PC Configurator connection

4 After creating the connection, you can set the camera Bluetooth

radio back to the hidden mode with the following text message:



If the master user has not been created for the camera, anyone can
create a Bluetooth connection between the camera and a PC.